Naumai Welcome
HB Williams Memorial Library

Librarian Recommended Reads
Children Of The Night: The Strange and Tragic Story of Modern Romania
by Paul Kenyon
An utterly compelling, wickedly sharp narrative history of one of the strangest countries in Europe, by the bestselling author of Dictatorland. In Children of the Night, broadcaster and author Paul Kenyon explores the darkest reaches of the modern history of Romania - the mythical land of vampires.
The Age of Melt
by Lisa Baril
A thought-provoking scientific narrative investigating ice patch archaeology and the role of glaciers in the development of human culture. In The Age of Melt, environmental journalist Lisa Baril explores the deep-rooted cultural connection between humans and ice through time.
The missing Piece
by Julie Legg
Everything you need to know about recognising and diagnosing ADHD in women, and how to live a full and fulfilling life after. When Julie Legg was diagnosed with ADHD at age 52, suddenly her life made sense. Bringing together her own experience along with research studies and personal stories from other Kiwi women with ADHD, this book is a go-to reference no matter where you are in your journey.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi Relationships
by Metiria Stanton Turei, Nicola R. Wheen and Janine Hayward (eds)
This is the third volume by leading scholars and researchers in a series discussing the complexities of te Tiriti o Waitangi issues. Together, this group of essays takes a dynamic approach to understanding Tiriti relationships, acknowledging the ever-evolving interplay between the Crown and Māori through time.