
Free Wifi is available 24/7. To connect using your wifi capable device look for the secure Wifi network APNK Library, password apnk2765. Open your web browser and read/accept the terms and conditions.




The HB Williams Memorial Library provides 14 APNK Chrome stations for customer use via the Aotearoa People's Network Kaharoa. Please see APNK FAQs for tips on using Chrome keyboards.

A limit of 1 hour applies per person per day to use the APNK Chrome station.  Please ask a staff member to book a 1-hour session. Bookings are made on a first-in, first-served basis.  We are unable to reserve a session in advance, or for set times.

Black and white, A4 printing is available at a cost of 20c per page. Colour printing is available at a cost of $1 per page (A4).

When you are using library computers you should not:

  • attempt to violate our computer system security
  • do anything illegal, infringe a copyright or view offensive material
  • disturb other people's use of the library

Aotearoa Peoples Network Kaharoa reserves the right to prevent access to objectionable material. Customers breaching these policies may be banned from using library Chrome stations.




Black and white, A4 printing is available at a cost of 20c per page. Colour A4 printing is also available at $1 per page. You can use one of our public Internet computers to print.

Black and white, photocopying is available at a cost of 20c per page A4 size or 40c per page A3. Colour photocopying is available at a cost of $1 per page A4 and $2 per page A3.




The library has a scanner available for use, free of charge.